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What About My Needs

4/1/20241 min read

When our marriage has experienced difficulty, and we are trying to heal and forgive… wives can have a laundry list of needs that they feel aren’t being met. If husbands are working on getting themselves right with the Lord and back in their roles at home, this can be very challenging and stressful to say the least!

I want to encourage us wives today. Many times the needs we feel aren’t being met, may not be our husband’s fault. Certainly, we are struggling with our place in his heart, our attractiveness to our spouse, our desire for him, our forgiveness, our wounded love. But truly, from a wife who has been there… my husband CAN NOT fix these issues for me. (I promise you, I’ve been down this road long enough to know!) In all his desire to correct our relationship and his role as my spouse and as the leader of our home… the broken parts of me are things that only the Lord can fix! And when I take that burden off my husband and carry that to the feet of my Savior… my relationship with my husband can be a lot less stressful. I no longer hold him responsible for my happiness and security.

I want to gently encourage you to release your husband from the burden of having to “heal” your wounds. Don’t expect him to tend to the needs your Savior is desiring to meet!

”casting all your care upon him; for he careth for you.“
‭‭1 Peter‬ ‭5‬:‭7‬ ‭KJV‬‬