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Life Happens

...And it can be beautiful again!

1/20/20252 min read

gray concrete bridge on seashore
gray concrete bridge on seashore

I apologize for the absence on the page. There has been so much going on these past few months, and I allowed myself to get so sidetracked until I was embarrassed to even post again! But I’m back now.

As I was thinking about how quickly time has passed and how many things have transpired recently, it reminded me again why I love to post. I desire to encourage others who are possibly going through some really heavy things today in their marriages, to remind them to hang in there…

Like I said… Life happens.

It just does.

After a season of hurt, pain and forgiveness in your marriage, life just happens. It’s a beautiful thing, really. One day you’ll sit there wondering what moving forward even looks like?! Then the next thing you know, time is passing, children are growing up, celebrations are coming and going, and you and your spouse are there through all of it… together. Life is happening all around you.

Recently, our life has been happening at a crazy pace. An unexpected hurricane, a house in remodeling chaos, my oldest son’s first vehicle, my youngest son in the hospital for a few days, the holidays, a family wedding… I found myself on several occasions looking at my husband with a renewed gratitude. Grateful that God was allowing us to face these things as a couple. Not as divorcees trying to get along, navigate the decisions, and do what’s best for the children… while tolerating each other in the process. I know that’s a reality for so many families today. But I’m so thankful, we are truly moving on joyfully in life again as a married couple, planning for the future. And that future looks pretty exciting.

Right after a big discovery or trauma in your relationship, it’s hard to imagine that time will pass, and God can heal your brokenness. I know, because I used to think that same thing! But it does, my friend. Just be patient enough to see the beauty of restoration in your future. It’s worth waiting for. I will leave you with one of my favorite verses...

Philippians 1:6 - "being confident of this very thing, that he which hath begun a good work in you

will perform it until the day of Jesus Christ..."