A Good Soldier
5/18/20241 min read

Sometimes the best way we can help our husband fight his spiritual battles, is being strong enough to fight our own.
I get that when he struggles, you struggle. When he’s mentally under attack, it worries you to death. My goodness, do I understand the effects his warfare, moods, emotions have on our day-to-day well being. An empathetic wife can cripple her day when she picks up on that feeling that something is “off” with her man. Are you one of those ladies? Unfortunately, it’s a good way to bring a couple down even faster.
As wives of husbands who are recovering from, well, just about anything, it’s best to take on a soldier mentality when it comes to our own spiritual health. I’ve got to fight my own battle, right here in my own mind and choose not to allow what’s bothering my husband to also bother me. I’ve got to keep myself close to the Lord. I need to be in prayer for my husband and family, as well as for myself. I need to learn not to take his strugglings personally. Isn’t that the first thing the Enemy tries to get you as the wife to do? This is your husband’s battle. Pray for him to be victorious! After that, pray that you can remain strong by his side as a fellow-soldier. Don’t be negligent to the attacks that may be coming your way!
If he is struggling or under attack spiritually, I can be the “fighter” for a bit. There will be many times when the roles will be reversed. However, choosing to crumble to anxiety and fear because he is having a rough time is only going to make things worse for the both of us. Honestly, what real gain is there is that kind of reaction anyway?
Real spiritual gains come when we study the battles we find ourselves in, and learn better tactics to overcome them. 🩷